lukaszW75: 390A9204
Roger Hickey: Crested Caracara
Baz Price: Stormy At Sea
dmitry.antipov: Laundromat
lionsloft: Cima Della Montagna
Cindy Croissant: Double-crested cormorant with fish
Cindy Croissant: Harbor Seal
Cindy Croissant: Male Allen's Hummingbird
Cindy Croissant: California Sea Lion pup
Cindy Croissant: Immature Cooper's Hawk
Cindy Croissant: Fiery Skipper Butterfly
Cindy Croissant: Green Lynx Spider on Doris Day Rose
Cindy Croissant: Brown Pelican
llondru: The Perseids
PH SH: happy cows
PH SH: Pentacon Oreston 50-1,8
PH SH: Pentacon 50-1,8 macrotube
lukaszW75: 390A9126
Brown Acres Mark: Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura)
Brown Acres Mark: California Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma californica)
Brown Acres Mark: White-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys) Immature
‎M: wildlife
hin_man: IMGP1878 Lenticular Reflections
leendert3: 'Do I Smell Something?'
Nick Ransdale: IMG_5433. Cleopatra (Gonepteryx cleopatra) M
leendert3: Wild Buffalo
NikonDoesABodyGood: Snowy Egret 1 6-5-21
Kevin B Agar: Rock Dove, Columba livia
Kevin B Agar: Blue Rock Thrush, Monticola solitarius