gphotosg: Brocard.
Bugtris: Mönchsjochhütte 360 Grad Nacht
tsuping.liu: DSC_0028 Sun light
JuanJ: Kenai Fjords National Park, Alaska
woody.hoyle: Blue Ridge Pkwy
Giuseppe Cocchieri: _DSC4360-1
Pete Rowbottom, Wigan, UK: Autumn Woodland
gerjanleo: Zeddam
courtney065: meet me at the river
fabriciodo: Polyura delphis
DomingoC.: Selva de Irati, Navarra.
musette thierry: Champignon
AncasterZ: Red Hill Creek in Fall
dwight g: Sagebrush in bloom
DomingoC.: Hayedos / Fagedes/ Chopos/ Pollancres
Salt Wizard: Great Falls of Tinkers Creek
Salt Wizard: Rigth Place & Right Time
Salt Wizard: The Rock Line
Salt Wizard: Ferry Landing Sunset
Salt Wizard: Full Moon Rising
Salt Wizard: Cincinnati
Salt Wizard: Better than Nothing
AncasterZ: Tiffany Falls Hamilton Canada
Dr. Farnsworth: Moody West Lake sky . . . (Explore)