Don Delaney: Juvenile Black-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax)
billkominsky : Little Blue Heron
Larry Daugherty (slow for awhile): Go away Mr. Gator.......D800
Brian Rockwell: Great Blue Heron
Jose Lozada Nature Photography: Caracolero - Formosa
jc7xx7: Four-spotted Chaser
Roundy Photo: Stuffed
Brian Rockwell: Bald Eagle with Carrion
sigmundurasgeirsson: Hringönd-Ring necked Duck-Aythya collaris
Don Delaney: Common Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula)
Don Delaney: White-faced Ibis (Plegadis chihi)
Don Delaney: Barred Owl (Strix varia)
normanwest4tography: Pintail - Anas acuta
normanwest4tography: Goldfinch - Carduelis carduelis
nurdug2010: Flórgoðaungi-Juvenile Slavonian Grebe-Podiceps auritus
Sindri Skúlason: Gyrfalcon (Fálki) 185
Svenni and his Icelandic birds.: Gyrfalcon 48 (fálki)
Svenni and his Icelandic birds.: Gyrflacon 49 (fálki)
nurdug2010: Toppönd - Red-breasted Merganser - Mergus serrator
Brian Rockwell: Squirrel in 108 degree heat wave
Brian Rockwell: Kingfisher
nurdug2010: Stelkur-Redshank-Tringa totanus
Sindri Skúlason: Horned Grebe (Flórgoði) 114
Sindri Skúlason: Horned Grebe (Flórgoði) 116
Sindri Skúlason: Horned Grebe (Flórgoði) 118
Sindri Skúlason: Horned Grebe (Flórgoði) 117
Sindri Skúlason: Horned Grebe (Flórgoði) 119
Sindri Skúlason: Black-and-White Warble (Klifurskríkja) 5