Peter G Hall: If You Could... Would You?...
Peter G Hall: The Warm Glow of Cool Delight. Sold
Peter G Hall: Close to the Edge.
FredrikN: Balinese demon statue
Lexis Rubenis: Errant-Time-Encoded-Orientations
Lexis Rubenis: Our Mystery Story As Told By Endless Mirrors
Lexis Rubenis: Left Untouched; Inshore Inspections Undyingly Succeed
Lexis Rubenis: Errant Time-Encoded Orientions of Endlessness
alankin: Traces
geminikitty9: clockwork
Raha Ln: Abstracts
TAM!k0 Art: Close Up II
Lexis Rubenis: Noticeable Increments Of Encoding / When Doors Close & Where We Leave To
Peter G Hall: Something's Happening in the Forest Tonight.
anne-laure djaballah: more to come
anne-laure djaballah: 3rd and Vine
anne-laure djaballah: IMG_0036bsm2
Lexis Rubenis: The Improbability of Perceptible Attraction
kitty jujube: "METAPHYSICAL JOURNEY" #3 (sold)
kitty jujube: "SOMEWHERE IN BETWEEN"#4 (sold)
alankin: "Oracle"
Susan Giannantonio: Oceanic Prelude
Alyn Carlson: Landscape No.9 June 11
Alyn Carlson: photo20
Susan Giannantonio: Diminuendo
THE ART OF STEFAN KRIKL: the art of Stefan Krikl: "self portrait; when sleep takes over"* aug.2012