Lexis Rubenis: “ Unforgotten Memories Of Colorful Places Long Ago ” 2021 Acrylic on Panel
Lexis Rubenis: “ Why Not Keep The Halls Of Abstraction As A Constant Head F*** ? “ #lexisrubenis #subconsciousimagery
Lexis Rubenis: “Studious Shot With Some Acrylic Inclusions” #Art #studio #abstract #photo #acrylic #paint#conor photography #lexisrubenis
Lexis Rubenis: “ Block On Account With Trent & Happy , Meets Moments. “ #art #lexisrubenis #abstractart #pen #sold #sketchbook #minimal #color #imagery #2018 #surreal
Lexis Rubenis: A Strange Experience Of Abstract Art
Lexis Rubenis: "Geometrical Moments with Short Downfalls" 5 1/2" x 8 1/2 " pen & ink . 2012 . Lexis Rubenis #lexisrubenis
Lexis Rubenis: "Speechless Sedition of Commonly Visualized Drawing" . 7" x 12" Acrylic Fluid On White Plexiglass . 2016 . Lexis Rubenis #lexisrubenis
Lexis Rubenis: "Northwestern Imagery Emerging From Pictures" Pen & Ink . 6" x 8" . 2013 - Lexis Rubenis
Lexis Rubenis: "Uninformative Details of Eyedrops." 6x8". Pen & Ink . 2012 -Lexis Rubenis
Lexis Rubenis: "Lines , Fades , & Figures Become Unpredictable Within Picture Plains" aprox: 4" 6" pen on paper . 2015 . Lexis Rubenis #lexisrubenis
Lexis Rubenis: 1 of 3 paintings in the series: "The Forgotten Color Fields Revisited" #worksinprogress Interesting studio moment with sun through the blinds. 2015Lexis Rubenis
Lexis Rubenis: "To Instill Unsuspected Colors on Horizons Without Warrant or Meaning." -piece raffled off for a Tannery Arts Center, live painting and music performance event downtown Santa Cruz. 36" x 48". Acrylic on Canvas . #lexisrubenis
Lexis Rubenis: "Unbelievability of Farming and it's Tantalized Economic Evolution." Acrylic on Canvas . 2015 . #lexisrubenis
Lexis Rubenis: 3"x 3" Acrylic on Canvas . 2014 #lexisrubenis
Lexis Rubenis: "To Find A Way Back To A Place Of Unbelievability" -detail- 2011 . 36" x 36" Acrylic on Canvas #lexisrubenis
Lexis Rubenis: Two newly finished gallery lit pictures. Acrylic on Canvas. 2012-2014
Lexis Rubenis: Finishing up a piece that was started about 6 years ago. For some of you who know there is a term for these types of paintings of mine. This one is titled: "The Serendipity Of Traveling In A Low Fi World." 36"x 36" Acrylic On Canvas.
Lexis Rubenis: A print mounted to a panel I just excavated at the studio that was from my first show in Santa Cruz held at Cafe Pergolesi. The show was titled: "A Formal Meeting of Subconcious Thoughts"
Lexis Rubenis: Ink on 8-ply Ragmat. 2011.
Lexis Rubenis: Black Orientations to Envisage Interior Endlessness. Detail*. Acrylic on Canvas. 2009
Lexis Rubenis: 2012. Ink on Bristol paper.
Lexis Rubenis: The Never Ending Game of Your Soul and Running From Shadows. 2014 Acrylic on Canvas .
Lexis Rubenis: 'The Ups and Downs of Conceptual Continuity' 3" x 3 ". 2014.
Lexis Rubenis: 2013-2014 acrylic on canvas detail.
Lexis Rubenis: 'The Redundancy Of The Hellacious Observance On Planets.' 3"x 3" acrylic canvas
Lexis Rubenis: 2013. Acrylic on Canvas. Being taken to Latvia as a gift for family.
Lexis Rubenis: 2012 Ink in a 6"x 8" tablet style sketchbook page.
Lexis Rubenis: 2014 Acrylic on Canvas. "Replications Unsatisfied With General Advertisements." On a plane to Europe tonight..