Bacchus Dionysiac: -Apollinaire - Alcools.
hkvam: sparkle
hkvam: mother
hkvam: get out there
hkvam: enjoy the day
dogfacedboy: There's apprehension and inhibition, all contributions to my attrition
ladigue_99: The Racetrack, Death Valley
oskarpall: My workstation view
oskarpall: The sea
hkvam: a few seconds
LaStef: Eying
LaStef: Fly baby fly
manyfires: you don't know what we can see
hkvam: a long moment
hkvam: a beautiful day
LaStef: Sunset Aurora
LaStef: The Star
fridgeirsson: Tattoo Artist in Nature.
manyfires: old growth.
manyfires: worlds other than these
manyfires: roots that forever entwine
Village9991: Past and Future
manyfires: depth over distance every time, my dear
manyfires: drip drip drop little april showers
manyfires: through this wonderland
manyfires: the sea wrapped its arms around you
manyfires: restart.
manyfires: a bit ahead of schedule
manyfires: chance of flurries