The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 172 of "The History of Ireland, ancient and modern. Derived from our native annals, from the most recent researches of eminent Irish Scholars. ... With copious topographical and general notes"
TGCBrooklyn: DSC_0104
TGCBrooklyn: DSC_0180
TGCBrooklyn: DSC_0314
TGCBrooklyn: _MG_8776
TGCBrooklyn: _MG_8662
TGCBrooklyn: _MG_8633
lastquest: Financial District
KGSImaging: New York Color On the High Line
AndrewDallos: Spring in Bryant Park
Michigan Municipal League (MML): League Staff Member Rob Ferrari Attends the June 2011 Michigan Municipal League Board Meeting
dima.james: South From The Rock 2
Bee Nouveau: Downtown NYC from Governor's Island
B R A N D: • E M P I R E •
Aleks Ivic: Concrete Paradise
Matthew Tarr: I ain't much, but I'm all I think about
koikoimagic: Good News Show Feb 27 2012
koikoimagic: Dusty Brown
TGCBrooklyn: _MG_8782
eric_kelley: 110304_090
eric_kelley: 110305_086
eric_kelley: 110305_102
jerseyfreeze: Sunset
TGCBrooklyn: EasterTGC2011-55
TGCBrooklyn: EasterTGC2011-68
TGCBrooklyn: EasterTGC2011-86