Matthew Tarr: legs crossed
Matthew Tarr: the gang, chillin
Matthew Tarr: spider and fish-head islands
Matthew Tarr: kids in a canoe too
Matthew Tarr: kids in a canoe
Matthew Tarr: spider island again (i vow to capture the true creepiness of this island eventually)
Matthew Tarr: weenie roast and s`mores
Matthew Tarr: oh canada
Matthew Tarr: Sailing: matt, dan and felix
Matthew Tarr: Ori with his net
Matthew Tarr: Bruce takes to the skies
Matthew Tarr: Lila burps the Pike
Matthew Tarr: Bruce goes fishing
Matthew Tarr: sand art
Matthew Tarr: seconds before eddie was dragged backwards by 1 arms until his pants came down
Matthew Tarr: Eddie and Lila preparing for the ride of a lifetime
Matthew Tarr: Nick & Eli getting air like Uncle Dan (or cousing Dan)
Matthew Tarr: AIR!!!!!
Matthew Tarr: that's better
Matthew Tarr: Dan, very dissapointed with something
Matthew Tarr: and he's up
Matthew Tarr: dan preps the dock start, draws a crowd
Matthew Tarr: WAKE WORK!
Matthew Tarr: rina - woot
Matthew Tarr: Rina - deep water start
Matthew Tarr: ori watching wake boarding
Matthew Tarr: wake wobbling on the new board