hincman: STILL, 2014
splorp: Wood, Chalk & Concrete
mx. blight: Ickthyosaur — Burning Man 2013
mx. blight: Ickthyosaur, Burning Man 2013
splorp: Sunny Side Up
splorp: Morning Oxalis
splorp: Nonchalant
roberthenryk: #deadkittysyndrome in full effect
Jason Santa Maria: I don't know why it took me so long to figure out how to read this.
Erica _ Fischer: Locals and Tourists #14 (GTWA #7): Boston
Daigo: IMG_1592
jsnell: Atlantis on launch pad
roberthenryk: In which my father and I try to plan a dinner
QuiteCurious: I flew today.
roberthenryk: Hang in There!
Jason Santa Maria: Website Finger Hold
rockmarooned: before
roberthenryk: Cake topper concept
l.anastasia: Poor Brodie the Neurotic Porcupine (press play)
Zenobia_Iris: svsimms + llama
fredwilson: Fake July 4, 2009 New York Times being handed out on the street. Very well done