fotorené: 2023 Alkmaar. Chinees restaurant Hong Kong in de Hadewijchstraat is niet meer.
fotorené: 1987 Alkmaar, Raad van Arbeid
The Library of Congress: Identified! [Martha Anne Scott Hazard at the National Capital Horse Show 1911, May 4-6. Building in back is Frazee Potomac Laundry, 18th Street and D Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. (NW Corner)] (LOC)
Steven Extra: Bunkers Ritsenvoort 1945
The National Archives UK: COPY 1/452/38 Photograph of five persons dressed in Esquimeaux attire taken in the Custom House shed, East India Docks, London, on July 29th 1901
Archives New Zealand: Wellington General Post Office foyer, c.1920s
The Library of Congress: Mrs. J.S. Phipps & Michael (LOC)
The U.S. National Archives: Salting Meat For Foxes
Archives New Zealand: A shop in the Strand Arcade, Auckland.
The Library of Congress: British kite balloon (LOC)
Archives New Zealand: Unveiling of a commemorative plaque at Te Pōrere, 18 February 1961
The Library of Congress: Paderewski (LOC)
fotorené: 2016 Stadsarchief Amsterdam
fotorené: 2015 Alkmaar Kaeskoppenstad
Nationaal Archief: Kaasmarkt Alkmaar
Nationaal Archief: Kaasmarkt Alkmaar