Archives New Zealand:
New Zealand Railway Hostess - 1956
Archives New Zealand:
New Zealand Railway Hostess and Guard - 1974
Archives New Zealand:
Christmas Day 1961 Menu from Montecillo War Veteran's Home and Hospital, Dunedin
Archives New Zealand:
Cover Pages from Christmas Day Menu 1961, Montecillo War Veteran's Home and Hospital, Dunedin
Archives New Zealand:
Specimen Type Faces Booklet, pages 14 and 15 - Otago Daily Times, Dunedin
Archives New Zealand:
Specimen Type Faces Booklet - Otago Daily Times, Dunedin
Archives New Zealand:
Plan of New Zealand Government's Exhibits Hall
Archives New Zealand:
Layout of New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition
Archives New Zealand:
Walter Traill - Stewart Island - 1912
Archives New Zealand:
Picnic party returns to Halfmoon Bay, Stewart Island
Archives New Zealand:
First European residence on Stewart Island - 1970
Archives New Zealand:
Township of Oban - Early 1900s
Archives New Zealand:
Ulva Island - Residence of Walter Traill - 1970
Archives New Zealand:
Bravo Stewart Island 1900
Archives New Zealand:
The Landing - Ulva Island, Stewart Island 1910
Archives New Zealand:
Aramoana sailing in Marlborough Sounds
Archives New Zealand:
Arthur's Pass Railway Station dog
Archives New Zealand:
Wellington Railway Station kitchen cat
Archives New Zealand:
Hastings Railway Station guard cat
Archives New Zealand:
2 July 1938 - Opening of electrified Wellington to Johnsonville line
Archives New Zealand:
Prince Charles with family at the 1974 Commonwealth Games, Christchurch
Archives New Zealand:
Okahu Bay - Feltex products
Archives New Zealand:
Shoppers in a Kilbirnie supermarket, Wellington Photographer: W. Cleal October 1983
Archives New Zealand:
Shoppers in a Kilbirnie supermarket, Wellington Photographer: W. Cleal October 1983
Archives New Zealand:
Prime Minister Walter Nash called on K.E. Voroshilove, the USSR Supreme Soviet's Presidium Chairman
Archives New Zealand:
Official visit of Lee Kuan Yew to NZ in April 1975
Archives New Zealand:
New Zealand Embassy, Tokyo. Opening of the new premises at Kamiyama-Cho by the Rt. Hon. Sir Keith Holyoake, Prime Minister, 10 July 1970
Archives New Zealand:
Mike Moore visit to Bangkok, Thailand
Archives New Zealand:
Shahanshah Aryamehr and the Shahbanou of Iran, with NZ Prime Minister W. Rowling, 1974
Archives New Zealand:
Visit of Rt Hon R.D. Muldoon to Canberra 23-25 June 1983