Michal Hruby Photography: Tygr indický bílý - White Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris)
Elizabeth Gadd: The Leaf Thief
hellomumu / Taiwan: 波琉璃紋花蜂 Thyreus decorus (Smith, 1852)
Alexandr Tikki: Petrozavodsk,Russia
_Hadock_: Say Cheese
embebu: Studio macro: jumping spider portrait
guitar_lover_tw: A46I0454_W
hellomumu / Taiwan: 鹿角蟬 Elaphiceps cervus
Changer * Moment is eternity: Berdmore's ground squirrel . 條 紋 松 鼠 . 1201
Bobo Hodls: 20170525-_DSC6079.jpg
Underwater Photography (www.27mm.net): Dolphins in the Red Sea
Underwater Photography (www.27mm.net): Dolphins in the Red Sea
chs6065: DSCF2735
hellomumu / Taiwan: 琉璃閃星天牛 Glenea chrysomaculata Schwarzer, 1925[特有]
阿偉蘇: 翠鳥
hellomumu / Taiwan: 弗氏紐蛛 Telamonia vlijmi Prószyński, 1984
∴ SilverFish & Friends: The speckled tiger
guitar_lover_tw: 465A9281_W
Chris Arace: QUEENS BATH
Changer * Moment is eternity: Taiwan Yuhina . 冠 羽 畫 眉 . 1183
aleshurik: ..Lapland..
Ian Redding: Blue poison dart frog (Dendrobates tinctorius azureus)
Changer * Moment is eternity: Black-naped Blue Monarch . Hypothymis azurea . 黑 枕 藍 鶲 . 1020
cc-chang: DSC_4048