Vaporfly2: The Art of the Thistle
zxgirl: 4sshat
Ted Holm Photography: A majestic great egret gracefully glides through the air, its wings outstretched like ivory sails against the backdrop of the sky.
United Launch Alliance: Roll to Pad: Atlas V Project Kuiper Protoflight
United Launch Alliance: Roll to Pad: Atlas V Project Kuiper Protoflight
United Launch Alliance: Roll to Pad: Atlas V Project Kuiper Protoflight
United Launch Alliance: Roll to Pad: Atlas V Project Kuiper Protoflight
godran25: Benediktinerabtei St. Mauritius Tholey
stephaniesykora: Frenchman's Cap - Tasmania, Australia
Ted Holm Photography: Joshua Tree National Park
jumahl: Heron flight
Lowcountry Watch: Melanistic Great Blue Heron
Rich Parkinson: Melanistic GBH - Close-up
Rich Parkinson: Melanistic GBH
Tinchy75: Egret having lunch in Lanzarote
Snap by Snap: Weird tree
chonibigu: Expo Galaxia Hung
paulneiffer: IMG_20210203_144236540
jnspet: 20210210_Ladybug_bug_0001
jnspet: 20210206_Rooftop_Cow
jnspet: Weird River
Ted Holm Photography: Great blue heron
markel 2007: Puerto de Pajares
Ape Lad: S'more the Merrier
Ted Holm Photography: Point Arena Lighthouse
Cap001 - Dan: Pine Valley Mountain - 850_5910_03393-24-20-850_5910
Cap001 - Dan: Hummingbird - D800-8-23-18DSC_5112_8305
Albert Wirtz @ Landscape and Nature Photography: *La Palma panorama @ Fascination of volcanoes*