800ASA: Altstadtherbst
eric.duminil: One more cup of bokeh
LeonR.: Angry birds.
Abu Yotam: Strips
skgz: ratp
johann Smari: Stealth fighter
*Corrie*: Organic Rainforest Blend
aknacer: Aaron Nace Goes Splat
gabrielescotto: Assenzio
Patrícia Raimond: WaTeR CoLoRs
sadaiche (Peter Franc): prescribed moments
Lisa-Mari: Moonlight mountains
Ev@ ;-): crossing
Pierre J.: Licorne 4
Helene Moreau: enceinte...s?
Helene Moreau: When it falls I eat it...
Ervin Bartis: Pattern
risquillo: Planeando
Dan. D.: First test with high speed photography
aknacer: Where the color is
Chaval Brasil: White on Red series (see more photos on comments)
Hel Des: Listen to the silence
Thomas Shahan: Damselfly Face
vonhaupt: Niagara Falls