LeonR.: Kaká-veira.
LeonR.: Flowers.
LeonR.: La Belle Noir
LeonR.: La Belle Noir
LeonR.: La Belle Noir
LeonR.: Halloween.
LeonR.: Be patient.
LeonR.: Be kind.
LeonR.: Coney Island.
LeonR.: Dream.
LeonR.: Two thousand and..
LeonR.: Hessian II.
LeonR.: Hessian.
LeonR.: Flag.
LeonR.: Alltogether.
LeonR.: Duo Bandeirante.
LeonR.: Hear the sound. Follow the lights.
LeonR.: Summer, Bryant, Gellato.
LeonR.: Renata.
LeonR.: Happy buddies.
LeonR.: City of Sun.
LeonR.: Stay out of trouble. Stay out of my mind.
LeonR.: City of Light.
LeonR.: We can have it all.
LeonR.: The Hotel.
LeonR.: The City.
LeonR.: Finding our way.
LeonR.: When happiness is right by your side.
LeonR.: Lucas.
LeonR.: You are special.