Dirk Buse: Natur Outdoor Regentropfen Schilf 2025-01-25_11-36-47
Martin Bärtges: Winter Art
Tavepong Pratoomwong: Fight for fish
bjsowers1977: Water is like the martyrdom of life; even where it may stop flowing, its etchings will last for eternity.
Victor Sassen: Last Quarter 35%
KaAuenwasser: Der Graureiher
Dhina A: Wildflowers
Jabi Artaraz: Barrika
Nuno Xavier Moreira: Borboleta Maravilha, Clouded Yellow (Colias croceus)
"What's in the box?!": North Coast, Egypt
Leon vdVvdK: red and blue
FotoGrazio: Segmented Splendor
Guilhermegmp: Cogumelo
WilliamND4: Beavertail Lighthouse in Jamestown, RI
margycrane: together
ianmiddleton1: Pak Choi
-gregg-: sea shells in a tree 🐚
Through_Urizen: Another grey day (www.adp-photography.com)
Guilhermegmp: Caterpillar
Rafa Lorenzo: Ibis look
J.A Imagen: playa Cuevas del mar
Omygodtom: Macro Madness.
Juan Figueirido: Punta Nariga
leoncio.hernandezrodriguez: Cigarra (Cicadidae)
billpan45: Catskills Trails = Roots & Rocks