Leo Hohmann: Abandoned barn
HK Passey: Budding Maples
HK Passey: Sword Ferns in the rain
HK Passey: Baby Noses
HK Passey: Spring Drama
ginescarvajalm: IMG_0724-2
Elles van Pinxteren: Hopping for nectar
ginescarvajalm: IMG_7817-1
jamesconradshea: East River
fs999: Two Pinks
Eric M (Pentaxiste): La Sainte-Chapelle - Paris
Wuzbug: Study impression of melting snow in a Landscape. Diluted ink washes on 300gsm smooth card.
Wuzbug: “Misty Landscape “. Diluted ink brush sketch by jmsw on 300gsm smooth card.
Nebswanny1: Purple Haze
Nebswanny1: Below the Bridge
HK Passey: Dancing leaves
HK Passey: Dancing Maples
Leo Hohmann: Ludington Beach