elli vassalou: dirty-girls-tent
isl_gr (Mnesterophonia): ΚΑΜΠΑΝΑ ΣΤΗ ΘΑΛΑΣΣΑ 🔔
egotoagrimi: Αναφορά στο Θερινό Ηλιοστάσιο του 2006 😘
egotoagrimi: The proud bow of our island
Emile Horizon: sans titre
isl_gr (Mnesterophonia): In puris naturalibus 02
egotoagrimi: Spellbound
Duccio Pugliese (BrebFilm): Old churh. Kithira, Greece
isl_gr (Mnesterophonia): Natural Pools and Swimming holes in Ikaria 😘
Emile Horizon: sans titre
Emile Horizon: sans titre
isl_gr (Mnesterophonia): A second reality: 'Lost in the Abyss' - Ikaria 2012
isl_gr (Mnesterophonia): 'Klidonas' - Jumping the bonfires of St. John, June 2012
egotoagrimi: Hidden treasures, Ikaria, August 2017
manuel's photos: Ikary-Christos Rachon Hotel rooms
ndimensi: Βρύα και λειχήνες
Kalsjon: still visible in some places
mspirideli: IMG_1026
nickkazalas: Platamonas, Hosti - Πλαταμωνας, Χωστη
isl_gr (Mnesterophonia): ΠΕΡΙ ΠΥΡΑΥΛΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΓΙΩΝ
Emile Horizon: sans titre
egotoagrimi: Oh, that map! 👣
egotoagrimi: The village in the snow
egotoagrimi: Don't we all love showers 💦 💦
egotoagrimi: Travelling frame
egotoagrimi: Deep inside the ravine
egotoagrimi: Sunkissed at the end of a hike
David&Liz5152: Starred Agama (stellagama stellio)