archifra -francesco de vincenzi-: chat errant -"Les chats ne sont énigmatiques que pour ceux qui ignorent le pouvoir expressif du silence". Paul Morand
Paul McGoveran: Sandhill Crane 8282
Paul McGoveran: Wood Duck 9544
Wackelaugen: Wolf Moon
ab.130722jvkz: Oncidium
Alvaro Colombo: Hyla arborea / Raganella /European tree frog
San Francisco Gal: Magical Evening
jlvill: jlvill. 513.Fin de carrera.
nickp_63: Goðafoss_1739w
Lazaro A. dos Santos: The Sunset Colors! - B.Bugres - Brazil
Klaus Kehrls: Admiral - 01092401
Zev790: Eye in the Sky
michaelhunter5: Head Above the Water
Mildred Ehrenfeld: Cerro La Cruz, Zapallar, Región de Valparaíso, Chile
Meg Loyal Photo: Trash Talk
ronkeyser: Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico
Manutses: Niño camboyano
Manutses: Lachnaia variolosa 1
rolfedg: Calm
ChicagoBob46: Gone but not forgetting {Explored}
DameBoudicca: Lunch time
werner boehm *: Invitation to my stroll through Munich
Bruno Conjeaud: Reticulated Glass-Frog
gaby.harig: Paulchen
Sarah-Vie: flocons de neige
Creative Nature & Wildlife: What a Pretty Little Flower!
PEH Photo (Singapore): Lineated Barbet D50_4657 breen background v1 LR
pjfchad: Heron Landing