andy_harris62: Gannets v Fish (2 of 3)
andy_harris62: Diving Gannet fest' (1 of 3)
andy_harris62: Gannets v Fish (1 of 3)
andy_harris62: Diving Gannet fest (3 of 3)
andy_harris62: Diving Gannet fest' (2 of 3)
andy_harris62: WTE catch series (3 of 4)
andy_harris62: WTE catch series (4 of 4)
andy_harris62: WTE catch series (1 of 4)
andy_harris62: WTE catch series (2 of 4)
andy_harris62: Talons loaded - White-tailed Eagle
andy_harris62: Gannet pointing towards a great match
andy_harris62: Gannet - sky pointing
andy_harris62: Sealed with a kiss
andy_harris62: Sky-pointing Gannet close up
andy_harris62: underwater ambush (1 of 3)
andy_harris62: Gannets v Fish (3 of 3)
andy_harris62: Surf dudes (3 of 3)
andy_harris62: Diving Gannet (2 of 3)
andy_harris62: Cliff-top Gannets series (2 of 4) 'poised'
andy_harris62: Cliff-top Gannets series (1 of 4) 'perched'
andy_harris62: Cliff-top Gannets series (3 of 4) 'patrolling'
andy_harris62: Albatross at Dawn - Southern Ocean
andy_harris62: Salvin's Albatross