laboratoire de l'hydre: terres arrachées
bohem-tom: 雑賀崎漁港Ⅱ
bohem-tom: 東横堀川
Jon Bagge: The Kinetika Bloco @ The Southbank Centre 01
CpaKmoi: Plages du débarquement - cimetière de la Cambe
Toni Duarte: Ruinas
Cati@: Passerella al mare
colorado50: Reflections on the Canal.
claude lina: Vue sur le col de Vars, 2108 m, depuis le refuge Napoléon, Alpes du sud, France
Along the way...: 7 Presidents Oceanfront Park in Long Branch New Jersey
Frans.Sellies: Landscape In the polder
Beaniez7: Man and His Dog
DKF_L: Northern Lights at Abisko National Park
Nebojsa Mladjenovic: 2045 Rainy days
claude lina: Matra, 17e Rallye Monte-Carlo Historique 2014 à Liège
Iabcstm: Guggemhein
Carlo Tancredi: Cerro de los Siete Colores, Purmamarca
La M@nu: Castelgandolfo #1
bohem-tom: 飛騨白川の合掌造り民家②(日本民家集落博物館)
Samu Samuela: L'inizio della favola
claude lina: Fagne de Malchamps, Spa, Belgium
TinaP358: Allstar
Iabcstm: Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Hotfish: The Ridgeway
La M@nu: Kodacolor
La M@nu: Mannarino 15 aprile 2013 Milano
La M@nu: Berliner Mauer - 2013