Scott Wethy: Polaroid 600 / Adirondacks.
686阿鴻: 夕照大屯山
686阿鴻: 月亮灣
686阿鴻: 冬戀陽明山
donkincl: 1974 Camaro with owner
BT67247: Arcade and Attica in Java Center, NY
lionel682: Finishing touches to the tree
DewCon: Snowy Summit
LastBestPlace: In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in Winter enjoy ~William Blake
Dave*71: Yard art
NoJuan: 'stool cup
NoJuan: Wet Weather Again
Theunis Viljoen LRPS: Autumn colours in Cottbus - X
Theunis Viljoen LRPS: Autumn light - VIII
Hi-Fi Fotos: cardigan day
Dave*71: Forgotten Pacesetter
BT67247: Ethan Allen Express in Rutland, VT
freiraum7: mountain view
atgc_01: Eastern Sierra near June Lake
Rambynas: plant on concrete
NoJuan: Hasselblad