martinpettinger: Starling - 1281 SX
billoddie3: Blue Tit. Paris Caeruleus
pakart62: Barn swallows (archives)
westoncfoto: boring!
Pete.L .Hawkins Photography: _IMG4758 Greenbottle
eerokiuru: Crested Tit (Lophophanes cristatus)
martinpettinger: House Sparrow ( M ) - 3872 SX ... High Speed shot
IByrom: ringed plover
billoddie3: Gannets,, Morus Bassanus
martinpettinger: Longtailed Tit - 8488 SX
pakart62: Indigestion? - Green heron
billoddie3: Little Egret. Egretta Garzetta
ddlane7: IMG_8824-1
charbonjoh: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - Pic maculé
billoddie3: Gannets,, Morus Bassanus
martinpettinger: Bartailed Godwit and Avocets - 1257 SX
J J McHale: Blackcap
Peter Quinn1: Cuckoo
IByrom: wren
glostopcat: Meadow Pipit - Cleeve Common
pakart62: New to our backyard, but not uncommon - Chipping sparrow
biguglystuff: eastern bluebird
martinpettinger: Oystercatcher - 1066 SX
ddlane7: IMG_8693-1
eerokiuru: Pine marten (Martes martes)
billoddie3: Treecreeper. Certhia Familiaris
ddlane7: IMG_8676-1
eerokiuru: Chaffinch ♂ (Fringilla coelebs)