holies: 123678382_10223505972141193_1962398671460966027_o
terhimon: Lacy Baktus
Idastalder: Maya Angelous quote
sailor.mouth: I can't control teh crazy
beefranck: Ideal for the bedroom. And the guest room. Oh, and the kitchen, and...
SarahDeer: sparkle
flamgirlant (good_gorilla): Tartan Loch Ness
ponyinarope: Lyric #6- The Good Life
Bren Ahearn: Manmade #10
bri_ecrit: Prose before bros.
fullofkrap: Fucktopus
Murasaki378: Work in progress
junkieforyourlove: FINISHED!!
junkieforyourlove: FINISHED-3
mabith: I am biconfident, not bicurious.
breakbeat: Cross Stitch
katherosthepure: Hipsters love irony. Right?
Feminizzle: Detail of stitching on bear
SarahDeer: grammar
mattcrossstitches: Clean ALL the things! - finished
mattcrossstitches: ...clean *all* the things?
SarahDeer: I love footnotes
PCB75: Pelut, ho és!
jenniferzalewski: Silver Fox- Woodcut
FIRE and ICING Cakes, Cookies, Confections: ©Beached. FIRE and ICING Cakes, Cookies, Confections