mattcrossstitches: E345E40D-EA5F-4968-86E1-9CAF4A86A6D2
mattcrossstitches: Oh the huge manatee!
mattcrossstitches: Clean ALL the things -- Final result
mattcrossstitches: Heart's ease scissors keeper (front)
mattcrossstitches: Heart's ease scissors keeper (back)
mattcrossstitches: Steelers bookmark
mattcrossstitches: Birth sampler 1 - July 6
mattcrossstitches: Birth sampler 2 - July 11
mattcrossstitches: Birth sampler 3 - July 12
mattcrossstitches: Birth sampler 4 - July 25
mattcrossstitches: Birth sampler 5 - August 6
mattcrossstitches: Birth sampler 6 - November 30
mattcrossstitches: Birth sampler 7 - December 24
mattcrossstitches: Birth sampler
mattcrossstitches: Steve and Rick's wedding sampler - Close up
mattcrossstitches: Steve and Rick's wedding sampler - Finished
mattcrossstitches: Steve and Rick's wedding sampler
mattcrossstitches: Steve and Rick's wedding sampler
mattcrossstitches: Steve and Rick's wedding sampler
mattcrossstitches: Steve and Rick's wedding sampler
mattcrossstitches: Hestia (better)
mattcrossstitches: Let none enter but in love - in progress
mattcrossstitches: Let none enter but in love - Complete
mattcrossstitches: Little Prince scissors keeper
mattcrossstitches: Little Prince scissors keeper
mattcrossstitches: Delft tiles
mattcrossstitches: Make good art
mattcrossstitches: Eikon of Hestia - Completed
mattcrossstitches: Go to the mf'ing BANK like an ADULT
mattcrossstitches: can't hug every cat