lindaverhoog: chestnut sided warbler
Heffordphoto: Barred with Prey
Mobile Lynn: Blue-winged Mountain Tanager 505_0744.jpg
Randy Lowden: Ruddy Turnstone - Florida
Randy Lowden: Willet - Florida
Randy Lowden: Marbled Godwit - Florida
ayres_leigh: Least Sandpiper
ayres_leigh: Dunlin
wsy_hans: 白琵鷺(Eurasian Spoonbill)
wsy_hans: 反嘴鴴(Pied Avocet)
wsy_hans: 冠鵐(Crested Bunting)
wsy_hans: 環頸雉(Ring-necked Pheasant)
Dinusaur: Black Tern
Dinusaur: Kirtland's Warbler - Male
Zane Shantz Photography: Golden-winged Warbler
ryknaves: Yellow-breasted Chat
wsy_hans: 高雄流行音樂中心
richard_morel: Gélinotte huppée / Ruffed Grouse
Sue Milks (gone birding): Mourning Warbler (Geothlypis philadelphia) - 20210602-11
judymtomlinson: American Redstart 2021 04
Dinusaur: Wilson's Phalarope
Tim Reekie: Honey Bee
In Memoriam: FISHERMAN'S PASSION AND OPEN NATURE..: REGISTRO 10.000 ISO ( take shadow sector ) SECTOR SOMBRA - Macá Grande (Podiceps major) Great grebe , toma en reserva LAGO DE REGATAS..Argentina,Buenos Aires.
vinayashetty1627: Bar-headed goose at.. Magadi Bird Sanctuary
icascidos: Tétras du Canada
patricebabeux: Petit Blongios MLP 2017-06-04-2B
Summerside90: Is there room for one more?