Estrada77: Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk.
Estrada77: Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk going for a stroll.
Estrada77: Immature Bald Eagle with fish.
Estrada77: Bald Eagle fishing.
Estrada77: Bald Eagle fishing.
Estrada77: Bald Eagle fishing.
JPatR: Cedar Waxwing - Oct-13-2020 (14-1)
JPatR: Green Heron - Sep-27-2020 (9-1)
Estrada77: Bald Eagle fishing series, part 2 of 3.
Estrada77: Bald Eagle fishing series, part 2 of 3.
Estrada77: Bald Eagle fishing series, part 2 of 3.
JPatR: Northern Shoveler - Mar-21-2020 (13-1)
BN Singh: Bald Eagle
yagoba: ardilla roja
Geoffrey Hawkins 48: Checking on the speed limit!!
yagoba: buitre leonado
CT_Imagery: Joshua Tree National Park Winter 2019 0208
wesleybarr1962: Anything interesting down there ??
avalon8174: ALP_7221
Estrada77: Cooper's Hawk.
Estrada77: Juvenile Bald Eagle.
Estrada77: Snowy Owl.
Estrada77: Snowy Owl.
Estrada77: Snowy Owl yawning!
Estrada77: Snowy Owl in sunset light.
Estrada77: Snowy Owl.
Estrada77: Snowy Owl ejecting a pellet.
Estrada77: Snowy Owl.
Estrada77: European Starling.