wazari: Istanbul | Sultan Ahmed Mosque | Blue Mosque | Blue Hour
Denis Collette...!!!: ... retour du Nord ...!!!
claudedelrieu21: quelques fleurs
Denis Collette...!!!: Aster d'automne...!!!
amalia lampri: Morning in the lake
John JHL Photography: New years Sensation
Aaron Reed Photography: Rolling Velvet
tehkici: apapun.. senyumlah
Murtadha Rafaai: It's just another beautiful day.
Muktasyaf AnNamir: Sunset at DQ on 22.04.2012 | Panorama
wazari: AyaSofya | Aya Sofya | Hagia Sophia | Istanbul Turkey
the-father: Gerbera
daniel.frauchiger: Dunhuang Mosque with Moon
daniel.frauchiger: Uyghur Man in Turpan
daniel.frauchiger: Karakorum Highway: Kyrgyz Woman
cepdanie™: Curug Cikaso
pongky ©: Morning light @ Monterey Bay
alonsodr: Three in blue
anwarsiak***sibuk***: Burung Prenjak
Kalyan Manda: Sunset from my window!
arnistm: fishing boats
Garry - www.visionandimagination.com: Autumn colours -New England Highlands
Garry - www.visionandimagination.com: Fog bow? nooooo...Fog circle!
aftab.: Mon amar
sseme: Tiptoeing