auntsmack4u: Very Wet Ricketts Glen
Chris Bertram: The view from Symonds Yat Rock
hutchphotography2020: Banner Elk Barn
Laurence's Pictures: Mt. Airy scenes
Laurence's Pictures: Mayberry Scenes AKA Mt. Airy, NC
Laurence's Pictures: Delicious & Refreshing - Mt. Airy, NC
Laurence's Pictures: Old Salem, NC
Laurence's Pictures: Sinclair gas station and Lee’s grocery
Laurence's Pictures: Original 1929 Shell Gas Station - Salem, NC
Gilli8888: Autumn Leaves Bench
Rich Ling: Ode to Warhol! Oslo
sazzy: just a fence...
sazzy: a sea of yellow...
Naida Fabi: 20130202 202641
dima-pic: 2012-12-15-Birds (101/365)
Rich Ling: Pavillion in Torshovsparken, Oslo
sazzy: mr pelican
sazzy: coca cola...
Riz Din: Astronaut meets alien bubble
katbaro: Week 2 - Bubbly
eszter: Lakefill trees
sazzy: b is for boat
sazzy: first sunset of 2013
Polimom: Pondside
eszter: Winter flag
Rich Ling: Ibsenringen from the Møllergate bridge, Oslo
dima-pic: 2012-11-19-Stars (75/365)
Redline Designs: Oh Christmas Phoenix.
roundedsquare: Empire State Building Peeking Through