odell_rd: Classic Bamburgh
buddhadog: A Selfie taken at the Elevators on the Terrace Level of the Academy House
buddhadog: 2019 Father’s Day Family Photo
buddhadog: Vicky
Saildog Photography: "Did She Really Just Say That?"
lwj54168: 龍虎塔 Dragon and Tiger Pagoda
odell_rd: Midsummer's evening
bluefam: Inclined coconut tree
dog ma: Book Smart
alansurfin: Mirage
Saildog Photography: Mustang GT 5.0
Sxinias: M31 The Andromeda Galaxy
Nancy Rose: Autumn morning at the lake
PGornell: Sunrise after snow
Jeff Engelhardt: A slightly smaller, drier mountain
bear.bonnell: late flower, early frost
-terry-: Lake Vyrnwy Reflection (2)
kira c.: DSC_4377
Yin Tattoo Designs: tribal lower back
Saildog Photography: The Lighthouse
Space Cowboy!!: Why do you build me up (Build me up)
waywardcatphoto: AM/FM Re-Edit. Vintage.
Paulles2008: January Night
TPorter2006: Texas Spinner
blueeyeddebby: Swamped
TPorter2006: Soldier Boy
Inga D. Sig: Í fjörunni