heaven & earth: 1_notes_IX
CaitieLouCrafted: Sky - Handmade & Handstitched Nature Journal
CaitieLouCrafted: Sky - Handmade & Handstitched Nature Journal
CaitieLouCrafted: Sky - Handmade & Handstitched Nature Journal
CaitieLouCrafted: Sky - Handmade & Handstitched Nature Journal
Giovanni Maggiora: Jardins du Luxembourg, Paris VI
meetmeatmikes: pilllpat (agence eureka) and her amazing vintage images
fluxplay: 3 medals together
Kelly Kilmer: 2022-10-03_03-11-52
Patrick Ng: For those faint-hearted crafters, rubber stamping permanent ink on their Traveler’s Notebook is like tattooing. Well why not use your photo editing app and have some fun adding icons and texts virtually instead? It is super fun and maybe one day you will
Patrick Ng: Each day you get to choose what you want to focus on, you pick your tools and schedule things around so that you can have undivided attention to those few things that matter. In reality that’s hard to achieve, all of the outstanding issues come fly to yo
Patrick Ng: 係呀,早兩日翠蓮大師摸過我支筆仲喺我本TN度贈咗句嘢俾我。係佢嘅賣襪會,邊個話襪要着喺腳上面㗎😆 @625am_official @michelle_looooo @logonhk #trctravelersnotebook #kawecopen #stationery #stationeryaddict #stationerylove
Nik the Booksmith: Cash Book labels
Nik the Booksmith: Beginner Stitch Diagram
Patrick Ng: What is good stationery? Something you’d love to carry every single day and pass on to your grandkids. #stationery #stationerylove #stationeryaddict #stationeryporn #trctravelersnotebook #travelersnote #travelersnotebook #superiorlabor #brasspen #rotring
Patrick Ng: Good morning! 100% “work from home” starts today as company escalated protective measures for staff and operations. My agony is, horrible noise from all directions due to building maintenance. #covid_19 #trctravelersnotebook #travelersnotebook #travelers
Patrick Ng: “By the work one knows the workman” - Jean de La Fontaine. #jeandelafontaine #workmanship #craftsmanship #leather #desk #stationery #stationerylove #stationeryaddict
Patrick Ng: So happy to switch to @qwerkywriter S. One wireless keyboard switching to 3 devices on the fly. PC for office apps, MacBook for graphics and analysis, iPhone for whatsapp and @evernote. Available @logonhk right now. #qwerkywriter #keyboard #typewriter #tr
Patrick Ng: 誠實的比特幣 (Mom found a Bitcoin) 出差前請了媽媽上來吃飯。 「阿謙呀,我喺你以前留學時剩下來的銀仔堆找到了一個比特幣。」席上所有人當然驚訝。 「沒可能的,比特幣是虛擬貨幣….」我詳細的解釋了一番。 「唔係呀,真係㗎,個比特幣同真嗰啲一模一樣㗎!」媽堅持。 「媽!我信妳。下次上去妳屋企攞嚟睇吓。」再沒有需要說服我們的她也沒說話可講。 後來上媽媽家拜年時所發生的一連串事情,我留待日後比較安全時再分享。 現在先要處理消失的未覺。 #bitcoin #coins #mom #potd #g
Patrick Ng: Oh gee the task list is enormous, one step at a time. #gtd #gettingthingsdone #lifehack #coffee #travelersnotebook #midoritravelersnotebook #travelersnote #manualfactorybear #manualfactory #stationery
galendara: still working on this painting (not finished yet)
galendara: bite the apple
Patrick Ng: Nice pencils should be sharpened by knife, so they say. Plugging old pencil to brass pen. #travelersnotebook #travelersnote #brasspen #stationery #stationeryporn #stationeryaddict #stationerylove #knife #notebook #tomato
Patrick Ng: Nice patina would develop as the brass pen is oxidised. The clip is new as in new versions of brass pens, if you don't need it, you can unscrew the end and take it out for good. This is a prototype I saw in Nov 2016, the actual nib is silver colour and ha
Patrick Ng: Try to do this for everything you admire, imagine what it takes to bring them into existence. Then instead of feeling small, tell yourself you can do it too, to create and to bring into existence something worth admiring. I was just cleaning my machines o
slowlysheturned: Art and Soul Hampton