fluxplay: brooch house
fluxplay: brooch girls closeup
fluxplay: brooch girls
fluxplay: brooch backs
fluxplay: booches together
fluxplay: square band rings, text, red floral
fluxplay: reticulated band rings, green mint, orange floral
fluxplay: Puzzlepods, Special, Gentleman, Bluegold floral 2
fluxplay: pencil brooch front
fluxplay: pencil brooch end
fluxplay: Mathematics choker
fluxplay: green and red blooms brooch
fluxplay: Close-up of Mutoscope in an English Tea Caddy.
fluxplay: Mutoscope in an English Tea Caddy.
fluxplay: finished Duke side
fluxplay: 45-seconds closeup of Mutoscope in an English Tea Caddy film reel.
fluxplay: Worn
fluxplay: Mixed metal beads bangle.
fluxplay: Mixed metal beads bangle
fluxplay: Motorbike man riding out of the rainbow...
fluxplay: Rainbow locket pendant slightly ajar.
fluxplay: Back of rainbow locket.
fluxplay: Rainbow locket.
fluxplay: Rainbow drawing which inspired the rainbow pendant.
fluxplay: finished 3 verticals
fluxplay: 3 Hatpins for the Queen. An Association of Contemporary Jewellers, Diamond Jubilee Exhibition work by me.
fluxplay: Gin & Tonic with ice and a slice.
fluxplay: Finished diamond top view with faux diamond visible at base of setting.
fluxplay: Lemon slice hat pin top view
fluxplay: Lemon slice hat pin side view and faux diamond 'pip'.