柔瀧(Zousun): P2023477r
White Feng: em5PB160123
White Feng: em5P1020843
White Feng: em5PB160080
White Feng: em5PB160087
White Feng: em5PB160091
柔瀧(Zousun): P6150010
柔瀧(Zousun): P6150037
柔瀧(Zousun): P6150044
柔瀧(Zousun): P6150052
柔瀧(Zousun): P6150054
東方顏: 日青。藍
莉莉周: lilichou1
莉莉周: lilichou6
莉莉周: lilichou9
莉莉周: lilichou10
White Feng: em5PB160334
White Feng: em5PB150109
White Feng: em5PB150177
Arielle.Nadel: The Perfect Time to Stroll Through the Daffodils
Arielle.Nadel: When We Went Outside
Arielle.Nadel: Energy Levels Low
Arielle.Nadel: Flowers in the Kitchen
ammon!: Happy B day
ammon!: 祝大家新年快樂~:D
jul!oseven: [一日一照計畫318] 晚餐:栗子蔬菜隨便焗飯,味噌蕃薯燒。晚上想說把手邊剩餘材料和剩飯利用一下,用即食濃湯包加入各種蔬菜丁和栗子燉煮,拌入飯粒調味後裝入烤盅,就能做焗烤。日本有機紫皮蕃薯,鵝黃剖面抹上調和味噌抹醬,烤熟後再以沙拉裝飾,甜鹹氣味加上蕃薯的鬆香口感,滋味暖暖的。
♥ Mengjie: #Farmar #六十石山 #Mountain #Flower #Daylily #金针花 #Cloud #Blue #Sky #White #Landscape #Taiwan #Hualian #Travel #花东 #花海
♥ Mengjie: #Summer #Blue #Sky #Green #Leaf #小清新 #Travel #Taiwan