manyfires: someone played a sad, slow song
Pola_shooter: Verrazano.
lawatt: vine overhead
shutterbugcel: Throw away the key.
lawatt: one more sunset picture from last night...
declic65.miura: to be revealed, impression
lawatt: low sun, high clouds
lawatt: light in doorway
feedmyhungryeye: To the water.
Chris Kreymborg: Schliersee, Germany
ludwigwest: pointe saint marc, belle île en mer
lawatt: tappan zee
.penny: kara
Jofabi: 32/52 Language: solitude
ludwigwest: Le jardin de ma mère
meeganz: foggy morning
lawatt: pilings
lawatt: flight
sycamoretrees: Eastern Views of Millstätter See
~ Meredith ~: I have found whole worlds
sullen_snowflakes: Damstredet e Telthusbakken.
edthened_: Wunno Rem Jugs