darlene kreutzer: he was sunshine and light. joy and love. stoic in pain. a trickster and funny, omg he was so funny. and so loving. he was everything.
darlene kreutzer: i miss him more than words can express. i feel like i have to relearn how to live. he was and is my heart.
darlene kreutzer: he is my everything
darlene kreutzer: chillaxin at the vet. the waiting for the test results edition.
darlene kreutzer: they call it puppy love
darlene kreutzer: sunday mornings are for cuddles
darlene kreutzer: he is just a little bit spoiled but he deserves all the spoiling.
darlene kreutzer: banana pancakes, dark coffee with a healthy splash of bailey's, waiting out the wait, taking photos to send to he who is missing and missed, text conversations so many hours away, cosy as the white light of winter quietly spreads open her frosty arms. e
darlene kreutzer: fridays off work look something like this 😂
darlene kreutzer: he looks grumpy cause he loaths selfies but he happily gave me a face bath 2 seconds later
darlene kreutzer: this boy ❤
darlene kreutzer: this boy.
darlene kreutzer: relaxin'
darlene kreutzer: will sit for strawberries
darlene kreutzer: spot the ty dog
darlene kreutzer: monkey dog
darlene kreutzer: saturday night party of two ❤
darlene kreutzer: sunday sleepy bed time
darlene kreutzer: quick garden snack after hot dog walk
darlene kreutzer: he likes to smell the roses before he settles down to sleep. also. 10:30 pm. still light out. oh summer seduction.
darlene kreutzer: all dogs drink out of a pagoda right?
darlene kreutzer: spot the ty dog