Deb Did It: Day 2 { need } I need to be alone. Naked. Raw. Open. I need to share myself. I need to express myself because it matters. I matter . And so do you. Thank you for your witness. #wideopencourse @henrylohmeyer #deb_selfie
paisleyrainboots: The Missing Shoe
jmzells: Love on a snow day
moabartist11: Open to (self) Love
kathleen marie1: Mosaic Reflection...#loveshacklivin #beyourownbeloved
lauraroald: Playful.
julica.hermann: This belly has birthed wonder.
Poppy*Photography: Day 3 BYOB
reid.p: Dip your Toes
BotheredByBees: shadow path
Original Bliss: Evaporate into Wholeness
shioshvili: Mosaic
Chris Guillebeau: Sparking a new friendship
Chris Guillebeau: We heart Jonathan Fields
Captured_by_Becca: Stephanie HANDS
darci.niva: Re: upload pics
Smithsonian Institution: Wanda G. Bradshaw