paxomnia56: giz pastel aquarelado e oleoso sobre papel
Doris Burfind: Dining in Guelph
paxomnia56: caneta nanquim e lápis de cor
Gifty O'Hara: morning stairs
paxomnia56: giz pastel sobre papel
caltechscooby: Monster Building reflection
Doris Burfind: Winter Palette
Fossil Light Images: Shadow Play...
Alan E Taylor: Winter Woodland
bugsuperstar: There are doors that let you in and out but never open.
KarenNFLD: Jellybean Row
"Lischen": Einen Schatten haben
paxomnia56: giz pastel e tinta acrílica sobre papel
Doug McGr: Welliington Lake Ontario Shore as Snow storm approaches
paxomnia56: giz pastel aquarelado e oleoso sobre papel
paxomnia56: giz pastel sobre papel
Doris Burfind: Voice of Winter
ddemarco5: Winter shadows
caltechscooby: Urban geometry
Gifty O'Hara: side door
paxomnia56: 13641070_1221097551242240_9085969478768830686_o
NebraskaSC: 070624 - Epic Nebraska Supercells 039
paxomnia56: giz pastel aquarelado e oleoso
sergeyfomchenkov: the parade of planets in the city park
NebraskaSC: 070624 - Epic Nebraska Supercells 030
Gifty O'Hara: sunlight path