hampshirepigman: Marcelin Saskatchewan Canada 1913
Andrew J Lee: horses, Patagonia
Ludovic Lagadec: Soirée piscine
radonracer: Only a tree
der_peste (on/off): Sound of Light (HSS)
Chrisnaton: somewhere in nowhere
paulypaulpaul1: Dawns Early Light
Andrew Boxall: Reaper at West Bay
renzodionigi: Little Owl: Athene noctua (Explored)
radonracer: wet walk
angie_1964: Blue Rocks, Nova Scotia
Zsaj: Side light
Hector Prada: Magic of the forest
Julia Martin Photography: Smooth, rich and hot! Explore #5
Mandy Disher: Anemone
ricketdi: *** Wood duck / canard branchu ( male )
Ettore Guarnaroli: Gheppio - Falco tinnunculus
cedric provost: Canard pilet Anas acuta - Northern Pintail MEL_0289
Kerriemeister: Let there be light... (Explored)
Deborah Freeman: I find take offs and landings are the most fun to photograph....I get such a thrill of watching the power, the amazing timing, how everything unites in the body to allow the desired outcome.
OR_U: And the songs that she sang in the shower are stuck in my head
Priscila de Cássia: Yosemite Fall
Kerriemeister: sky magic...
tango-: Carcassonne, Languedoc-Roussillon, January 2017 498
@hipydeus: Weathertop
normanwest4tography: Pintail - Anas acuta
Luc Mercelis: Mechelen, Veemarkt
Blai Figueras: Abscondita est regnum