keithhull: The Lane
wernermayer 48: From darkness to light
BerColly: L'aigrette garzette | Little egret
davolly59: Starling Sturnus vulgaris 2
marc.barrot: The Curve – Barbican
schildzilla: 7R506189 The Atlantic Rocks
Wolfgang Schrade: Unten am Fluss (48)
Forrest Wesson: Sunset and Shrimp Boats
Blende11#: Kohlmeise
christiansommeillier2: Bruant chingolo / Rufous-collared sparrow
msdonnalee: google is in there
mapecard: "Sunrise".
dironzafrancesco: afternoon on the lake .)2402/7991-10
joomjim: Tannaz
* Gemini-6 *: Wheel Well Wiener