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albums of adopt a negotiator
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COP21 Social Graphics - Portugese
New Coal – Is There Really a Market?
COP21 Social Graphics - Spanish
COP 21 Social Graphics - Russian
COP21 Social Graphics - Mandarin
COP21 Social Graphics - Hindi
COP21 Social Graphics - German
COP21 Social Graphics - French
COP21 Social Graphics - Arabic
COP21 Social Graphics - English
Action on closing day of COP20
People's climate march, Lima #YoMarcho10D
COP20 - Philippines Solidarity
Solidarity with Saweto widows at #COP20
COP20 - Around
COP20 - Fast for the Climate press conference
COP20 - Fast for the Climate action
Social PreCOP
COP20 - Conference of Youth 10
COP20 - Vigil for Climate Justice
Climate Crisis more global than World Cup
The Game of Climate
Volveremos! Civil society groups warm governments: stand with us, or step aside
June 2014 - Bonn Climate Change Conference
CoP19 Warsaw Walkout
YOUNGO Intergenerational equity action at COP19
DT photos - COP19
Bonn Climate Talks June 2013
Day 1 of the Bonn Climate Change Conference / ADP2
April Bonn Climate Change Conference / ADP2
Youth 'Thank You' Action at COP18
COP18 - Doha
Push Europe Action - Bonn 2012
Bonn Climate Talks 2012 - mixed
Equity is the Pathway to Ambition
YOUNGO-Push Europe Action
first days, Bonn 2012
Occupy COP17
Fossil of the Day at COP17 - Nov 30
COP17 - Fossil of the Day - Nov 28, 2011
Thursday Fossil and Ray of the Day
No Carbon Markets without Safeguards
Wednesday, Jun 15
Monday fossil of the day
Monday Action: Raise Ambition
Working the weekend
Canada earns dubious honor at Bonn Climate Talks
Day three of the UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn
AOSIS honored by youth and environmental groups
Day 1 of the Bonn Climate Talks
Bangkok Climate Change Conference
The last meeting before the last meeting
Closed doors and rumors of bad news lead to frustration & protest at COP16
Climate Justice action at Moon Palace
Christiana Figueres meets the Adopt a Negotiator Team
Kyoto Protocol Love
LULUCF Action at COP16
Indigenous Rights @ COP16
First Days of Cancun Climate Change Conference
Meeting with Christiana Figueres
Great Climate Wall of China
Bog Heads Give Climate the Boot
Bonn Climate Talks - Close the Gap Action
Day 1 in Bonn - Shark Bait: Climate Cash Must Not Increase Third-World Debt
German Watch Action on Day 1 of the Bonn Climate Change Talks
Bonn April 2010
COP 15 - when Bella Centre is not our place
Waiting for the COP... theme of the day
Ministerial Mixer
International Youth Sit-In at Bella Centre in Copenhagen to Raise Expectations for Outcome
Evening on Day 16
inside plenary1 wed16 Dec
the opening of the high-level segment
Chair of COP3
COP15 - December 15th
Demonstration in Copenhagen
CoP-15 & Bella Center
Trackers preparing in the days prior
Welcome to Copenhagen
Nov 3rd - The trackers met Yvo de Boer, UNFCCC executive-secretary
Nov 2nd Barcelona Session
Wake up! Lot's to do.
Nov 1st Barcelona Session
Nepalese Youth Call for their Mountains to be Protected
Climate Hearing Bangkok Oct 2009
Asian Solidarity Climate Justice March, Oct 5 Bangkok
Asian Solidarity Climate Justice March, Oct 5 Bangkok
Women's March outside the UNFCCC Talks
Bangkok Climate Change Talks
Youth actions @ Bonn2
Aerial Photo & Rally June09
Bonn2 from inside
Laidback times
Delay kills
Our Climate Trackers