adopt a negotiator: DSC08740
adopt a negotiator: DSC08732
adopt a negotiator: IMG_0242
adopt a negotiator: IMG_0212
adopt a negotiator: IMG_0180
adopt a negotiator: IMG_0176
adopt a negotiator: IMG_0172
adopt a negotiator: IMG_0160
adopt a negotiator: IMG_0150
adopt a negotiator: Fossil of the Day Choir
adopt a negotiator: Not standing alone
adopt a negotiator: japan adds
adopt a negotiator: UN-FAIR PLAY in and outside of the climate talks
adopt a negotiator: UN-FAIR rules are the name of the game
adopt a negotiator: Referee rules apply
adopt a negotiator: Global North celebrate their 'win'
adopt a negotiator: Forest action outside of UN climate talks
adopt a negotiator: Global voices sing for forest protection and Indigenous rights
adopt a negotiator: A friendly tree, integral to any climate solution
adopt a negotiator: Supporters dance for the forests outside of the UN meeting
adopt a negotiator: Hug a tree for the good of the world today
adopt a negotiator: Camels grab some media attention for their committment to climate change action
adopt a negotiator: Doing what camels do best - spitting
adopt a negotiator: Desertification is a real challenge - action is needed