francine 2007: BW_DSC_1955
francine 2007: BW_DSC_1958
francine 2007: Recovered_JPEG Digital Camera_5120
francine 2007: Untitled
PeterThoeny: Thinking with the eyes
mckenziemedia: Bobby
Michel2Montfort: NY - Empire State view
Chris Heinroth: My Thoughts Are With You
leguico: Le Pain Quotidienne
selmanphotos: Hidden Stairway to . . .
cafard cosmique: Les dernières paroles de Spartacus
Chris Heinroth: Feeding Time
bloodybee: untitled (dublin, eire)
Eric Lafforgue: Benin, West Africa, Savalou, gbaguidi ahotondji sèvègni king of savalou sit in an egg chair
Flickr: Baltimore Riots: The story behind TIME’s iconic cover
Rainer Schund: Mittendrin statt nur dabei
Eric Lafforgue: Benin, West Africa, Taneka-Koko, traditional healer called mister tcholi with his giant pipe
MGness / Is there light at the end of the tunnel?
Greg @ Montreal: Under the Arch - Paris
Mark Zilberman Photography: Jersey City Reservoir
Erwin Vindl: summer in the city
bloodybee: how teas are made (brescia, italy)
DavidIanJohnson: Something You Whisper
bloodybee: how clothes are made (brescia, italy)