sean4646: Crow
philippe_lhote: vautour moine, portrait
BB Photography Studio: Cooper's Hawk-32
johnatkins2008: Wren from my window today 19/11/24.
Ted Humphreys Nature: Red Kite floats past me at Upper Basildon
Ted Humphreys Nature: Gannet passes the camera August 2024
Ted Humphreys Nature: Low flying Bee Eater
Ted Humphreys Nature: Bee Eaters at rest
Ted Humphreys Nature: A large meal for a Kite
Ted Humphreys Nature: Fox is alert to prey in the moorland terrain
Ted Humphreys Nature: _Are there any potential intruders
aptyche: Ghost
aptyche: Eichhörnchen
aptyche: Bartkauz
aptyche: Schleiereule
christianeleouet1: Brochette ......Blue Tit
Christoph Fischer: The Telephoto: The Ideal Lens for Landscape Photography!
yvescourt123: Les oies dans la lune ce matin !
John Lindsey Photography: Great Spotted Woodpecker 2
John Lindsey Photography: European Goldfinch 1
andriot.jac: Martin
andriot.jac: Gratouille
Wild Planet Photography: Great Spotted Woodpecker, Lorraine, France by Robert Didier
cazalegg: Kingfisher (F) - Alcedo atthis
cazalegg: Kingfisher (F) - Alcedo atthis
cazalegg: Kingfisher (F) - Alcedo atthis
James Gregory Wildlife Photography: ‘The Flash’ - Kingfisher whizzing along a Lincolnshire waterway (Sony A9iii 400mm)
christianeleouet1: Pic épeiche Dendrocopos major Mâle
cazalegg: Tonights Moon