godoherty: Sunset in Anchorage!
little_stephy0925: Vancouver Urban Night
ǝlɐǝq ˙M ʍǝɥʇʇɐW: "Pining for the moon"
ǝlɐǝq ˙M ʍǝɥʇʇɐW: [ waiting for the miracle ]
Rouge_Lucifer: Sun and Stone
Rouge_Lucifer: From Shade to Light
Tubbe Sebom: Veiw from Roosevelt Island tram
Tubbe Sebom: The central point of consumption
G.. B..: Frankfurt
Francesc F P: Erithacus rubecula
Francesc F P: Fringilla coelebs
Rufex.: Kyoto
Rufex.: Kobe
Rufex.: Nakagin Capsule Tower - Tokyo
ampc58: Toledo
michelgroleau: Défilé glaciaire
Hal 2001: De la beauté du bois, un matériau si noble !
evwingate: Raleigh, NC December snowstorm.
evwingate: Raleigh, NC December snowstorm.
evwingate: Walt Disney Concert Hall Downtown VIew
bryan...: 東大門設計廣場, LED玫瑰燈海, LED玫瑰花海, 首爾, 漢城, 韓國, 南韓, 大韓民國, Dongdaemun Design Plaza, DDP, Seoul, South Korea, Republic of Korea, ROK, Daehan Minguk, 동대문 디자인 플라자, 서울, 대한민국
evwingate: Walt Disney Concert Hall Sky Between Curves
Paul Tocatlian: Shape | Singapore
Paul Tocatlian: City Lights | Saigon Vietnam
carrolldeweese: _MG_4669_DxO
carrolldeweese: _MG_4668_DxO