Bianchi Café&Cycles: Mika Liias med sällskap
Bianchi Café&Cycles: Salvatore Grimaldi
Paco_MUC: Magnolia
polkadotandplaid: pink beauties.
bethnerybelem: Flores amarelas
bethnerybelem: Expressionismo à la Emil Node
bethnerybelem: Expressionismo à la Alexej von Jawlensky
bethnerybelem: Oh !!! Linda Mulher
Pilar Azaña Talán : Para vosotros, amigos y compañeros de Flickr. For you, friends and Flickr's contacts.
sonja_pinion: ~~~ Every Day without you is a sad Day ~~~
eyecatcher: Casta Diva
eyecatcher: One life one love
GVG Imaging: orange & yellow primulas
{lisa.anne}: "It seems to me we can never give up longing and wishing while we are thoroughly alive. There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and good, and we must hunger after them." {George.Eliot}
magda indigo: A SPRING MENUET
1bluecanoe: Blueberries
huda mamat: ` right moment....`
huda mamat: ` until i find u again..`
huda mamat: ` Follow your dream...`