Ann HS.Photography/natureflower: (Explored) Breathtaking mountains.
Sultan Sultani: Ruby-crowned Kinglet
etisdefo: Début de journée au Pourtalet
Suvad ArhDES: Great Watzmann British humour
ej - wildlife photography: The little acrobat - Japanese white eye
Jean-Luc Foucret: Mésange bleue ( Cyanistes caeruleus - Eurasian Blue Tit )
Björn Gadomski: Bläuling
Céline Bizot-Zanatta Photographie: Dans les nuages le Plomb du Cantal - Cantal - Auvergne - France - Europe
cliveswildshots: Blue Tit,UK.
aptyche: Rotkehlchen
Bernd Schunack: Good Morning, Tuscany
ASTPic: Wildlife (chamois)
小川 Ogawasan: 圓光寺 - Enkō-ji
stefano zerauschek: (Nova) Baška Village; Otok Krk Island, Primorsko-Goranska Županja, Hrvatska
GP Camera: The stone snake
Björn Gadomski: Weißling
kboul: Peregrine falcon
cliveswildshots: Blue Tit ,UK.
sus@: Das Tor
Bruce Clarke: Shirburn Hill
Subervie: Gran Canaria
dubus regis: lignes enneigées
Roland Bogush: Fire and Ice - Greylag geese fly low over a frozen lake
Thunderbird61: Dolomiten Sunrise
siggi.martin: Winterwalk 023
Fabien Serres: Diagonale
aptyche: Blaumeise