Eileen Seto: Pie Jesu
reineraichholz: Gras mit Raureif
.^.Blanksy: “There is something incredibly nostalgic and significant about the annual cascade of autumn leaves.” — Joe L. Wheeler
Lassetjus photo: Blue-grey Tanager (Thraupis episcopus), Costa Rica
.^.Blanksy: A smile of light
Elizabeth Gadd: Hear the Wisdom of the Woods
Dalantech: Gecko Portrait
Al Fed: quiet morning
Al Fed: callin' it a day
O. Levasseur: Petit blongios - Least Bittern
CoMcFl: Small People
Elizabeth Gadd: Mother Nature
arjenvanveldhuisen: Graveyard Beatenberg and Thunersee
Wonderlane: The empty bed, sunlight, pillows, blankets, white sheets, slept in full bed, Lakota Lhamo Ling, Dash Point Road, Washington, USA
Sen@d: Yes, take the picture!
Poupetta: Rosh HaShana 5779. Shana Tova to all !
Poupetta: Abundance & Gratitude
suzannelacroix: Araucaria
suzannelacroix: Au dépourvu
suzannelacroix: Céthosia biblis (Cethosia biblis)
suzannelacroix: Bien pommé
roryfarrellphoto: Colourful Skylines
Poupetta: San Francisco man
Poupetta: Yishay & Nadav - Father & son
Eileen Seto: Boy & Father