Ambiguous Space Gallery: watching paint peeling in the Juction
msdonnalee: doorway decor
msdonnalee: SFSU fx
msdonnalee: structural illusions
msdonnalee: el metate
HO_FI_BO: weathered and colourful [ 2 ]
HO_FI_BO: closed Colchester Window
YIP2: abandoned
SammCox: Wall
James Loesch: Alien Landscape... or the banks of my favorite New Jersey Swamp?
jerry.gladstone: Escher's Balconies (In Explore)
noluck: Rectangels and Shadows
noluck: Three and a Half Layers in Beige
milltown01: Building 4
LichtSpielHaus: Treppenauge
missedadeadline: 4th-floor
wotanseyepatch: Yellow Rail
music_px: HOFFNUNG- -
~joas~: SllSll
Bart Mariner: Circles and Blue. Mural detail
YIP2: deep down
elisabonilauri: Canne d'organo
msdonnalee: what's the point?
me*voilà: be seated