Captain Tenneal: Detail of a lovely Czech agate from Morcinov
Captain Tenneal: Wazoo Agate
AdventuresWithRocks, Outdoor Stuff & More: Chrysacolla in Rhyolite from the Planet Ranch Mining area, near Phoenix, AZ.
AdventuresWithRocks, Outdoor Stuff & More: The Chalcedony from California has beautiful star-shaped inclusions, and polishes up nicely in the tumbler.
katiebug78654: Cure Chiari
glandix: Day 23 - Sketch for a Friend
Abhik gem silica.: Gem silica rough
Captain Tenneal: Barite on calcite
Macroscopic Solutions: Dry Garnet Sand
sdttds: IMG_4990_Dry Lagoon agate
sdttds: IMG_4989_Justin's Dry Lagoon alien face agate
sdttds: IMG_7536_Tourmalated quartz
exquisiteopals: Arizona Fire Agate
Different Seasons Jewelry: BRIGHT blue/purple fire agate with perfect eye formation.
SilverBlueberry: Welo opal ring
xygems: CreaJR 001 Arc-en-ciel Collection: round cabochon Welo opal ring set in 18K solid gold
Purified Bill: come on spring danggggggg
howie516: Paraiba Tourmaline ( Eye Candy )
howie516: Botryoidal Fluorite formation
howie516: Tourmaline ( Blue Cap)
Fundy Rocks: Nova Scotia Amethyst
JKrockhound: Candy Striper Agate
JKrockhound: Broken Bander
Kobolt74: Agate Poland Kwisa river
beth schaefer: ferrierite
ChinellatoPhoto: Ferrierite-Mg
YannW: réveil embué d'une pâquerette
gille33: Gouttes en diamants.
cowyeow: Rainforest Tree