aducas: Cardinal rouge.
JH_1982: Tian Shan Range seen from Burana, Kyrgyzstan
cliveswildshots: Coypu,Czech Republic.
rick_kooyman: Stonechat - Roodborstrapuit
mvbphoto74: _10A9259-Adult Male Dark-Eyed Junco.
scandan780: Keel-billed Toucan
Obsies: Z92_8982©MC
Kevin Povenz: Too small....
Corriplaya: Pingüino juanito, Pygoscelis papua, Gentoo Penguin
Meridian Raw CIO: Magnificence by Paula Hyland
Meridian Raw CIO: Fancy a Swim? by Matt Hughes
leonardrandle1: Green-winged Teal (Eurasian) (Anas crecca) DSC_3598Vivid
Sue Milks (gone birding): Mr. Red-breasted Merganser (Mergus serrator) - 20240416-04
JMS2: Live Today
cliveswildshots: Coypu,Czech Republic.
oʇ[◎]ɥd | ʍɟɐ: Winter-Wonderland
rdwaters: “Saluda River”
cliveswildshots: Common Kingfisher,UK.
Bob Hurrell Wildlife: Scottish Red Squirrel.
BerColly: Le faisan | pheasant
blavandmaster: Light moments
jmfaure29: Barque sur l'étang .
Jim Kraft - WA: Short-eared Owl
cmescamilla: Scissor tailed Flycatcher_MG_3186 edtsg Red-bellied Woodpecker
trjco: ring-billed gull diving in ccsp 12-18-2024 (11)
Claire Dumont et Pierre Rainville: Moineau domestique / House Sparrow / (Passer domesticus)
Tom Mortenson: Male Northern Cardinal
Alan Habbick Photography.: Show me the way to go home.